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Wayfarer Class Rules     2025.01.14  CWA Exec       * CWA Fleet Captains
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updated: 14 January 2025
for family cruising or serious class racing
The 16-foot Wayfarer is a rugged, seaworthy boat which is also fun to race.  For over 40 years, more than 11,000 owners have found it an outstanding racing, cruising and cottage day-sailing boat.

Wayfarers racing in Fanshawe Lake's early-October Pumpkin Regatta.

Watertight buoyancy compartments fore and aft make it easy to right the boat in the event of a capsize. Removable or built-in floorboards keep your feet dry.  Buoyancy compartments provide storage space for food and camping equipment. Two can sleep comfortably on the wide, flat and dry floor of the boat under a tent supported on the boom. A small outboard motor can be fitted, and it's easy to lower the mast - even single-handed, to pass under bridges.

In 1995, the first of the annual International Cruising Rallies took place in and around Killbear Park on Georgian Bay.
It attracted cruisers and racers from as far away as England and Denmark.

For day trips the large cockpit is comfortable for up to six people, with room left over for a picnic. For the more adventurous sailor, it's good to know the Wayfarer has crossed the North Sea from Scotland to Iceland, sailed up the east coast of North America from Florida to Nova Scotia and beyond, and circumnavigated Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario.

The Wayfarer is easily towed, and rigging the boat is simple. You can be out sailing in half an hour or less.

The Canadian Wayfarer Association:
The CWA offers a range of services and activities to its members. It actively supports racing and cruising. A superbly up-to-date web site <wayfarer-canada.org> keeps members in touch, covering class events and race results as well as the adventures of intrepid cruisers. And the CWA's commitment to promoting the Wayfarer ensures an active resale market which will maintain the value of your boat.

In addition to tons of material on the Wayfarer web sites, you can get help and/or advice from your friendly fellow Wayfarers around the world - starting with Uncle Al.

A boat for all ages and all abilities...
Every 3 years, the World Championships offer the opportunity to meet new Wayfarer friends from Britain, Scandinavia, Ireland and N. America, and to learn from the best.  At TS&CC in 1995, Canadian competitors included Peter Rahn and his 9-year-old son, Alex (left), as well as George Blanchard (left), who had sailed every Wayfarer Worlds to date at that time!

Our active racing schedule runs from late May to early November. We welcome and assist newcomers to the best of our abilities (which are pretty able!)

Friends, husbands and wives, parents and children, all actively compete in these events. Wayfarer owners love to share their knowledge and you will find them clustered around new boats, giving advice on rigging or boat handling.

A highlight of each of our summers is our annual "family" regatta (above): the Wind Bag. Sailed on the warm, clean waters of Lake Simcoe out of beautiful Hawkestone YC, this event gives parents a chance to race with their children who also swim, fish, goof around and generally enjoy the best of babysitters - each other!

Uncle Al & his daughter, Joanna (8) at the 1995 Wind Bag Regatta.
C.W.A. Membership Form

Kit Wallace   416-531-8470   cell: 416-722-4560