the 2009 AGM Minutes & Report
by CWA Secretary, Fred Black

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the CANADIAN WAYFARER ASSOCIATION held at TS&CC on 17 Jan 2009.

Chairman George Blanchard welcomed some 28 members at 1815 on a snowy evening. He circulated a data pack that included an agenda, his report, last year's minutes, an executive roster, a financial statement, and the Boat Show schedule.  As noted in his own report, George commended his committee members, each of whom had responded willingly when asked to serve / continue serving.  Mike Codd, seconded by Al Nichols, moved that we confirm the
executive in their various roles.  Carried.

Fred Black moved the acceptance of the minutes from the '08 AGM , and John de Boer seconded.  Carried.

Mike Codd led us through his financial report which showed that due to more members and fewer one-time expenditures we operated with a $200 profit in 2008, leaving us with a year-end balance of $5400.  This was helped by the fact that the UKWA is not charging us for the printing of the 2009 Wayfarer calendars.  Mike's statement was seconded by Al Schonborn and adopted.

Kit Wallace reported that the Exec had decided to discontinue the $40 postal mail membership and that for 2009, only the $25 e-membership will be available. Kit noted that we already have over 25 paid-up members for 2009, and that
subscriptions are rolling in.  He and Al Schonborn distributed our '08 Yearbook DVD to members present.  Andrew Haill commended Al for the yearbook, and for the web site from which it was derived.

Starring on this year's DVD "cover" are John and Dolores de Boer chasing
Mike Codd and Kirk Iredale at this year's Pumpkin Regatta.

Under new business, Mike proposed that we act now to institute a new $30 membership fee for 2010, seconded by Alastair Ryder-Turner. John de Boer moved that we amend the new fee to $35 because advertising revenues are expected to decline. Robin Allardyce seconded.  The amendment, and the amended motion were adopted.

Al Schonborn moved the adoption of three Wayfarer International Committee items:

1 Class Rules changes to accommodate the (Hartley) Mk. 4.  These have been thoroughly vetted by the UKWA and the WIC.  Seconded by Mike Codd.  Endorsed.

2 Rule 32.3: Change Genoa Foot Length maximum from 7'2" to 7'2½" to correct a long-standing error and thus bring the imperial measurement into line with the metric 2198 mm. in the Class Rules.  Seconded by John de Boer.  Endorsed.

3 Acceptance of a revised WIC Constitution agreed on by the WIC Reps and posted on the WIC site
Seconded by Dwight Aplevich.  Endorsed.

Al reported no progress on finding a North American builder for the Hartley Mk. 4. USWA Commodore, Jim Heffernan, is currently searching for a suitable North American builder.

Boat Show feedback from those attending our stand was all positive.

We adjourned to the banquet at 1915 upon Al Schonborn's motion.


Following dinner, Mike Codd presided over the presentation of:

The Red Herring Award for exemplary class spirit to Nick Parker (W 982) for his initiative in bringing together west coast Wayfarers. Nick sent his regrets, being unable to come in from Vancouver.

The Storer Trophy for top aggregate results from the two Nationals, the North Americans and the Ontarios: Al Schonborn, supported by a number of different crews, Nick Seraphinoff, Michele Dicker, Angus Wilson and Dave Hansman. All four crews sent their regrets.

Queen City Tray for most improved competitor of 2008 was awarded to Al Nichols.

The Raudaschl Rookie for 2008 was Rob Wierdsma.

The Don Davis Memorial Trophy (exceptional, long-time service to the class over the years) was earned by the USWA's Dick Harrington for his exemplary support of cruising sailors on both sides of the border. Dick sent his warmest regards and greetings but was prevented by the nasty weather from coming in from Cleveland.

The Ted Davis Memorial Trophy (best cruise log of the year) goes to Nova Scotia's Jim Fraser for his fine description of a September 2008 voyage down New Brunswick's St. John River. Jim, too, was prevented from personal attendance by distance.

The Lansdown-O'Brien Spittoon for unique feats of seamanship went to Alastair Ryder-Turner for his unconventional (but
effective) spinnaker technique.

Bronze Certificates (participation in 20+ events) were awarded to:
Laurie Beehler
Al Nichols
Alastair Ryder-Turner

Gold Certificates (for 100+ events) were awarded to:
John de Boer
Tom Wharton

Signed in:  George Blanchard, Fred Black, M Codd, Hans Gottschling, Al Schonborn, T D Aplevich, J W de Boer, Al Nichols, Scott Ramsay, Lori Beehler, Andrew Haill, Leo Van Kampen, Ted Rosen, Mark Taylor, David Platt, Rob Wierdsma, Roger Shepherd, Rae Perry, Kirk Iredale, Bob Stevenson, Kit Wallace, Bob Brown, Patsy Wallace, John Cawthorne, Robin Allardyce