and everyone survived to tell the tale...

Dick Harrington dries out his spinnaker in a keelboat well

Thomas Denslow (Lake Erie News) recorded it all

and the flags came out on the bigger boats

John and Jerry discuss the last race

Alex, Peter and Frank check the results

steaks on the barbecue - note Wayfarer Man barbecueing his helm's steak
It was delicious!!!!

other make do with McDonald's: Caitlin and her dad, Pete

Riley's millinery confections find a taker in Margie Cervenik

Riley and his cap - Bob Frick needs one!!!

Pete Bonham with Caitlin's Uncle Riley

Uncle Al about to put on his new regatta shirt

a winchgrinder needs a massage after this day
also throughly enjoying the afternoon were...

Noelle DeBrincat

Alex Rahn

Caitlin Bonham

Kate Ensinger, raffle tickets

the LSYC Margarita lady

and obviously, John Goldi

Caitlin and her dad

Gary Armstrong

Louise Miller

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