the 2011 Wayfarer North American Championship
post-race and awards - 1
pics by Uncle Al


We introduce our new friends and champions to the Dark and Stormy.

Carol Hansman, a proud new owner of W10865, soon to be named Beowulf, is familiar with the drink and
will not waste what little we have left on a christening at this time. Tony sticks with beer so that "others may drink".

Mike Codd gets our awards ceremony underway.

back row, l to r: Richard Johnson, Paul Taylor, Michele Parish, Mark Talor
front row: Heider Funck, Tom Wharton

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Spectacular as it was, Nick's improved performance was #1 on the agenda.
(l to r) Paul Hemker (Nick's crew), Mike Codd and Lilly, Nick Seraphinoff, Dolores de Boer, Carol Hansman

Second-most improved were Jim and Linda Heffernan.

Prize pennants through series 8th which was occupied by Kit Wallace (r) and Dave Hansman.

One more trip to the front for Jim and Linda who placed 7th overall.

With the blessings of George's family, left-over pewter Wayfarer winged Ws
were given to those who were not at George Blanchard's funeral to receive them.

Nick and Paul receive their 6th-place flags.

In series 5th, we had Sue Pilling and Steph Romaniuk.
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