the Wayfarer Ontarios
July 19-20, 2008 * Lac Deschênes Sailing Club
shore pics - 2
photos mostly by Dave Hansman & Uncle Al

Mike Heath-Eves and his wife, Penny, fuss over Amanda.

Party time after Saturday's racing: (l to r) Steph, Sue, Marc and Julie Seraphinoff

Andrew and Julia talk sailing.

Frank Goulay and Kim Bergevin

Frank and Dave bring some refreshments.

My crew, Angus Wilson, with his justly proud parents, Karen and Pat.
Even after a tough five-race day in a strange boat, Angus looks full of pep and ready to rock and roll.

Mike Heath-Eves and ...

... his wife, Penny. The Heath-Eves have been in Calgary for a few decades but, we are happy to be able to report,
are now back with the Ontario Wayfarers where Mike began to sail W398 in the 60s.

Lori's sister, Sheila Turkington from Kitchener, visited with us.

Andy Douma (LDSC cap) chats with Marc Lamadeleine??


Julia and Julie: long-standing sailing pals who date way back to the 70s.

Karen Wilson chats with Marc Lamadeleine's wife and daughter.

Sue and Steph dry Alan's spinnaker before putting Majam to bed for the night.

Uncle Al bonds with SHADES.

Marc explains to Uncle Al why Pub Crawl is still not pointing to his liking.

Sunset over Lac Deschênes (which is a section of the Ottawa River)
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