the Wayfarer Ontarios
July 19-20, 2008 * Lac Deschênes Sailing Club
race #2 pics - 6
photos by Stuart Pursey, Marc Lamadeleine and Julia Schonborn

Unless the beach angle is deceiving, Marc has moved past Al into 2nd while Lori lies a close 4th.

Meanwhile, it's lonely at the top for Frank and Kim. Well, they do have each other, of course. With luck, they'll get distracted??

Andy and Erika and their risen rudder

Paul and Marilyn

Robin and Marjorie join ...

... Paul with Marilyn (3933), Mike with Bill (398) and ...

... Andy with Erika (l) in exciting windward mark action.

Aboard Amanda (398), Bill gets the pole ready to do its duty.

Aboard White Lightning, Paul has nicely eased the main to help his boat turn onto the run.

Sails out, Robin!!!! Since oversheeting kills power (like stalling out a plane!), it's always better to ease the sails on the early side, i.e. keep them ahead of the turn. Conversely, at the next (leeward) mark, it is no good to sheet in early while still running, just so that your sails will look good when you finally reach your closehauled course - better to let them luff (a bit) and catch up a.s.a.p.
Mike and Bill: ready to run

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