the Wayfarer Ontarios
July 19-20, 2008 * Lac Deschênes Sailing Club
race #4 pics - 1
photos by
Stuart Pursey, Marc Lamadeleine and Julia Schonborn

The RC is all set for race 4: Neil Rogers and our PRO, Stuart Pursey (r) in the blue lampshade hat. Says Stuart:
"I really have to get rid of the blue lamp shade but I have this other yellow Daffy Duck hat which is worse."

Neil checks the angle of the line.

The final few seconds before the start: Front row seats for Dave (282), Frank (648) and Al (3854)
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The signal has just been given. Marc (port tack) looks in disbelief at his watch.

Looks like Al (3854) has nailed the favoured pin end very nicely, while Marc gets "the hind tit".
I do believe this was the race in which Frank was called over early?? Hard to tell conclusively here.

A good hiking breeze!!

Frank has, I believe, gone back and re-started, and so has lots of clear air.

Uncle Al has tacked to port now that Frank is no longer blocking him.

Mike Heath-Eves also opts for port.

Sue (7346) is far enough behind Frank here to not get too much backwind effect.

Nice lift inside Dave (282) for Robin here. Main is too far out, though. For even better pointing, Robin should crank it in to lose the unsightly mainsail twist. If that leaves him unable to hike the boat reasonably flat, he needs to add vang as needed, in which case he can ease the main as needed to keep the boat flat but still have good pointing from an untwisted main.

The first reach as seen from shore: (l to r) Al (to leeward of) Dave, Sue, Andrew

Dave continues to outdistance Al who has decided to forego the chute - a costly decision on Al's part.

No spi for Robin, either, and Marc (pink and blue spi) and Mike (398) motor on through.

(l to r) Robin, Marc, Mike, Al, Dave, Sue
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Frank and Kim (l) have a ton of ground to make up after their re-start.
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