the 2006 North American Wayfarer Rally
Thousand Islands, St. Lawrence River,
Cedar Point State Park, Clayton, NY * July 28 - August 5, 2006
Tues 1 Aug: pictures - 3
by Uncle Al

One of our hosts checks out the chart with us.

There were a lot of us for our hosts (front row right) to cope with.
front row, l to r: Tony (with cottage dog), Mary, Patsy, our two hosts (one with granddaughter)
back row, l to r: Kit, Julia, Al, Brian, André, Tom, Ralph, Steve, Tom
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The dock was beautifully sheltered.

A granddaughter was also ...

... visiting.

After an hour's rest, we decided we were ready to return to camp.

The winds were just right for a sail home under jib alone. Note how Ralph and André (l) are carefully rolling their main so that it won't get in the way on the sail home in winds that are now frequently gusting over twenty knots.

Steve Graefe warms up for the sail home.

Mary Abel takes some welcome refreshment on this scorcher of a day as ...

... she and Julia chat.

Tom Erickson

Ralph (l) and André cruise off down the St. Lawrence River back towards Cedar Point under jib alone.

Likewise Tony and Mary.

Tom Erickson (r) and Brian Ritchie will go for a bit more speed ...

... by adding a well reefed main to the sail plan.

yes sir! more speed coming right up!.

Patsy untangles the jib sheets, before she and ...

... Kit take off to follow Tony and Mary.

Then it's the Graefes, Steve and Tom.

Lastly, SHADES dawdles off. Julia checks the chart though that should hardly be necessary since all we need do is follow the south shore and turn right at Cedar Point State Park.

Ah, what a nice relaxing way to sail, thinks Uncle Al.

Perfect for having a good long look at what's going by on shore, too!
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