
the Honorary Commodore's Report for 2006

----- Original Message -----
From: George Blanchard
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 8:46 PM
Subject: George's Report

Chairman’s Message for the 2006 Yearbook


The 2006 Racing & Cruising programs: as published by our News Editor, Al Schonborn, on the CWA Website, highlights these events.  In most instances, they have turned out to be successful in spite of the variable turn-out of participants. Unfortunately, many of our long-time active members are not travelling to as many of the out-of-town regattas as they did in past years.  Another factor affecting attendance is the cost of travelling and accommodation.


Unfortunately, I have now packed up my sailing career which I started in Oakville in 1925. I have enjoyed racing the Wayfarer from 1960 to 2005.  My present activities are organizing and running local and club racing programs as well as CWA committee operations, which keeps me quite busy. I am pleased that Mike Codd is now racing my W4600 - CAN 90 in many of the Wayfarer events.


To all the Clubs and Fleet Captains that arranged to host our annual events, we extend our sincere thanks, and look forward to enjoying their facilities again in 2007.


Al Schonborn has again recorded the past year's activities on this CD as well as on the CWA Web Site at http://www.wayfarer-canada.org/  Thanks to Al for his dedicated contribution to our Class Association operations. Al will also be finalizing the Racing & Cruising Calendar for for 2007 in time for the start of next season's activities.


After a successful boat show in January 2006, the CWA will again be displaying a Mk III Wayfarer in the 2007 Toronto Boat Show to promote our Association activities. Our AGM will be held on the last Saturday of the Toronto Boat Show, Jan. 20th, at TS&CC .


Due to the disastrous fire that destroyed Abbott Boats' manufacturing facilities in Sarnia, we will unfortunately have to promote the purchase of used boats until arrangements are finalized for continued North American manufacture of Wayfarers.


Thanks to all our Committee members who have carried out the many tasks involved in running our programs both locally and out of town, and to those dedicated members who attend most of our events to help maintain an active Class Association.


Best wishes and enjoyable sailing in the coming year.


George T. Blanchard, CWA Chairman & Honorary Commodore.

AGM pics 
AGM Minutes & Report
2006 Financial Statements
Mike & Darlene