the 2007 AGM Minutes & Report
by CWA Secretary, Fred Black

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the CANADIAN WAYFARER ASSOCIATION held at the TS&CC on 20 January 2007.

Chairman, George Blanchard, called the dozen members to order at 1830. He welcomed them and several guests and observers. He had distributed preprints of an agenda and of most of the evening’s reports, starting with his overview of the season and the Association. A “lowlight” of the season was the fire at Abbott Boats, eliminating our source for new boats.

Secretary, Fred Black, moved the adoption of the minutes of last year’s AGM as printed. This was seconded by Alastair Ryder-Turner and accepted.

Since Treasurer, Mike Codd, was on a trip to China, his financial statement was tabled by George. It showed our fluid assets to be $6072, which is within $100 of where we were a year ago. Hans Gottschling seconded. Accepted.

George drew attention to the three sheets of Executives, Fleet Captains, and Measurers to whom he had personally spoken and who had agreed to serve in 2007. New names are Paul Taylor for the Mississauga fleet, and Jean Trottier of Winnipeg and Falcon Lake.

A reprint of some UKWA news brought us up to date on the transfer of the class copyright from Ian Proctor Designs to Hartley Laminates of Derby. We look forward to the details of the new-look Wayfarers when Hartley’s prototypes go on view later this winter. Our discussion drew attention to the fine Lightning and Buccaneer that were displayed by Nickels Boat Works of Michigan at our boat show, since they are said to be in discussions with Hartley about becoming a North American builder.

Kit Wallace, our Membership Man (and our only declared competitor in the ‘07 Worlds in Denmark), said it was too early to report on the ‘07 membership. He did distribute ‘06 Yearbook CDs to those of us present. Mailings will follow. Al Schoenborn furnished each of these discs with a note to facilitate accessing their contents. While still on the topic of membership, Dwight Aplevich, seconded by Alastair, moved that we confer Honorary Life Member status on Mike & Darlene Codd. Their great contributions were unanimously recognized.

New business dealt with updates to the 2007 events calendar, notably the assignment of the North Americans to the TS&CC on 25/26 August.  “Uncle Al” has arranged an improved website at He then moved that we adjourn to the bar at 1925, and Alastair agreed.

About 36 of us enjoyed a roast beef buffet, while the projector cycled through Al’s extensive collections of scenes from our 2006 events.

Awards presentation: Following the dinner, Trophy Secretary Alastair Ryder-Turner took the floor to award the annual trophies:

Don Davis Memorial Trophy (exceptional, long-time service to the class) The George Smith Trophy has been renamed in honour of the late Don Davis whose Wayfarer contributions are legendary. His widow, Trudy, was on hand, but our ‘07 recipient, Geoff Edwards, was absent!
Storer Trophy (best score from our 4 major regattas) Al Schonborn, Marc Bennett, Mallory Price 
Red Herring Award for best demonstrating the Wayfarer spirit: Lori Beehler
Ted Davis Memorial Trophy for the year's best cruising log: Andrew Haill
Raudaschl Rookie of the Year: Leo Van Kampen
Queen City YC Trophy for the most improved racers of 2006:
Dave and Carol Hansman
Lansdown-O'Brien Spittoon for Outstanding Feats of Questionable Seamanship: Bill Fyfe and Frank Goulay (for an incredibly adventurous mark rounding during the Ontarios, a rounding which was captured in wonderful detail by two photographers, Doug Netherton and Kim Bergevin. In the end, you were left wondering if Bill and Frank shouldn't get a great seamanship award instead, for the miraculous way in which they avoided capsizing!

Spirit Awards: No spirit awards were claimed this year. Click here to see if you have earned such an award.

AGM pics
2006 Financial Statements
Mike & Darlene
Chairman George's Message