Wayfarer North Americans 2000
Pictorial Report on Race #4 - pre-race
Photos by Annemarie Pedersen
Text by Uncle Al
Sunday morning brought a lovely ENE breeze under partial cloud as the fleet headed out for a 1030 hrs start.
"Now look, Dennis, this is the last time I'm going to tell you this..."
Stefan and Brody get Tom Wharton's W442 alias 16 into trim for the day...
... while Ryan and Alan do the same.
Frank and Al wait to get the 4-minute signal near the RC boat.
Peter and Alex ready to go
as are Kit and Marcel
Carl and Roger. We were far enough from shore that we were getting appreciable swells.
Frances and Reg
One last check of the line for Dwight and Al.
a little "sitting" practice for Peter and Alex...
... and for Stefan and Brody 
the race itself
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