the 2004 Pumpkin Regatta
Sailing Pics - 1
by Uncle Al

Saturday, race 3: Having rounded mark 4 onto a dead run in cool, gusty winds ...

... the Laser fleet and a lone Y-Flyer make their way towards mark 1.

a lull in the breeze which is losing some of its earlier strength but ...

... still retains some bite in the gusts.

A gust coming ...

... as Steve Carroll leads the Lasers under the Race Hut cliff.

Looking from above, one can easily see the winds streaks on the water.

Steve Carroll ...

... pursued by Grant Town

Even though the Dart is coming up from astern, Grant will have to keep clear of the leeward boat
as long as Dart 5000 sails no higher than his own proper course.

A relaxing moment for Steve ...

... and Grant but Grant keeps a wary eye on the gust near the far shore.

Brian Jeffs and Scott Bamford lead the Wayfarers down the run
with Nick Seraphinoff and Joe Blackmore (2nd) and Roger Shepherd with Joanne Kumpf (3rd) giving chase.

THe leaders sail past the cliff in perfect balance ...

... ready to deal with ...

... any gust.

If Nick wanted even more wind, he ...

... could luff up and get into the streak ...

... beside him.
the Pumpkin 2004
sailing pics by Uncle Al - 1
sailing pics by Uncle Al - 2
sailing pics by John de Boer - 1
sailing pics by John de Boer - 2
shore pics and awards
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