TARTS & Balls Regatta
June 4-5, 2005, Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club
Sunday's Racing - 3
photos by Adam Quinan


Colin Tait has his spinnaker in perfect trim on a close reach.

As does Jason Ellis while Geoff Edwards looks on.

David and Kit set off down reach 2 in pursuit of ...

... Uncle Al (3854), Hans (938) and Alastair (10137).

At the leeward mark, it's an exciting battle among six boats, while ...

... Al and Marc have no such pressures as they start their second beat.

Alastair and Andrew in fine form

Ed and Colin are looking good, too. Note that, as the W825 speed maxes out, Ed will ...
... crank the main in tighter, which should gain them distance made good to windward.
John tries to power through to leeward of Hans who keeps ...

... a wary eye on ...

... John.

Ab faB with - as they say - a bone in her teeth

The old 1992 Mike Mac chute still does yeoman work for SHADES as Marc and Al continue to lead ...

.... Alastair and Andrew down the run.

Hans and Thomas (938) on their way to their best finish of the series, a 3rd.

John and Robert concentrate and will be rewarded with a 4th.

It'll be a 5th for Kit and David - their drop race!

Good downwind form for Thomas and Hans.

Fine form for Ed and Colin as well - and a nice CN Tower backdrop!

(l to r) John, Alastair and Hans near the leeward mark

Ed has W825 beautifully balanced.

Jansubar chomps through a motor boat wake.

Michael Kachkovsky gets his turn at the helm of Rusty Scupper for race 5 while Fred Black brushes up on his spinnaker skills.
Saturday racing photos - 1
Saturday racing photos - 2
Sunday racing photos - 1
racing photos - 2
Sunday racing photos - 3
Sunday racing photos - 4
on shore & awards

TARTS & Balls nostalgia
