the 2006 AGM
Minutes & Report by CWA Secretary, Fred Black |
Minutes of the Annual
General Meeting of the CANADIAN WAYFARER ASSOCIATION held at the
TS&CC on 21 January 2006. Chairman, George Blanchard, called the 20 members assembled to order at 1810 hrs. He referred the members to his printed report for the 2005 season, and added his regrets on the death of two long-standing CWA members, Peter Ayres and George Mills. Secretary, Fred Black, moved the adoption of the 2005 AGM minutes as distributed. Peter Kozak seconded and the meeting concurred. Executives for 2006 were listed on a slate that George Blanchard proposed. He reported that all had been contacted by telephone to confirm their availability to serve. Cruising Secretary, Tim France, and Coach, Rick Goldt, are retiring and the slate includes Alan Asselstine as our new Cruising Secretary. John de Boer seconded the proposal and it was accepted. Yearbook CDs for the 2005 season have just been distributed. They include news of US fleets and events, giving it North American scope. Al Schoenborn’s continuous work and timely summation was appreciated by the meeting. Al reported that the USWA has happily agreed to make this a North American Yearbook. The USWA will take care of their own duplication and mailing. Financial statements were distributed by Treasurer, Mike Codd. We showed a loss of $ 600 leading to a year-end balance of $ 6,177. Insofar as regattas and our AGM / banquet aim to be revenue neutral, we rely on membership fees to cover other operations and overheads. Therefore Mike moved that the Association’s e-membership fee be raised from $ 20 to 25. This was seconded by John deBoer and accepted. Mike then moved the adoption of the 2005 financial report, seconded by Alastair Ryder-Turner. Motion carried. Advertising rates were discussed and John de Boer proposed that we establish a package rate of $ 200 for a year in which the ad will appear all year long on our web site, in the Boat Show Whiffle, any Whiffle newsletters, and the yearbook CD. Al Schonborn seconded and the meeting agreed. John will bill our seven advertisers now that the 2005 package (web, Whiffles, Yearbook for 2005 plus Show brochure 2006) has been delivered. Still on the topic of advertising, Dwight Aplevich recommended that Al investigate using the Google AdSense programme on our paid for web sites to generate additional revenue for the CWA (which suggestion Al initiated the very next day!) Measurement files have been acquired and reorganized at length by Chief Measurer, Bill Fyfe, who appealed for guidance on how much of his three boxes needs to be retained, e.g. old correspondence, and drawings applicable only to a licensed builder. Members of the executive promised to sit down with him and assist at our next Ottawa event. Al reported that the USWA are actively lobbying Roger Proctor to license a U.S.-based builder, likely of the Wayfarer World. There was a report that a local sailor had acquired a “World” look-alike from Abbott, but (following the AGM) he was found to have imported one from the UK. Books: copies of The Biggest Boat I Could Afford by Lee Hughes were distributed as door prizes, and an updated edition of Ocean Crossing Wayfarer by Frank Dye was passed around and recommended by Al. Adjournment to the bar and to a roast beef buffet occurred at 1900. |
Awards presentation: Following the dinner, Mike took the floor to award the annual trophies and Spirit Awards after acknowledging the roles of his wife, Darlene, Kit Wallace, our caterer, Leanne, and the club manager, Derek Griffiths, in putting together our evening. Award winners were: George Smith Trophy (exceptional, long-time service to the class) Kit Wallace Storer Trophy (best aggregate score from our 4 major regattas) Al Schonborn, Marc Bennett Red Herring Award for best demonstrating the Wayfarer spirit: Dave Hansman Ted Davis Memorial Trophy for the year's best cruising log: Dick Harrington Raudaschl Rookie of the Year: Sue Pilling Queen City YC Trophy for 2005's most improved racers: Alastair Ryder-Turner and sons Landsdown-O'Brien Spittoon for Outstanding Feats of Questionable Seamanship: Doug Netherton (who admits to having snagged the LDSC dock with his mainsheet not once, but three times, while trying to race to a club race) Spirit Awards: Gold: Dick Harrington, John Weakley Silver: Dwight & Pat Aplevich, Marc Bennett, Peter Kozak |
2006 AGM pics AGM Minutes & Report 2005 Financial Statements |