by Uncle Al as well as Mike and Darlene Codd |
0830, view
across Clark Lake from upstairs in the clubhouse. An
overnight north
has brought lots of rain which stopped minutes ago -
note the docks
are still soaked. The haul-outs mentioned at the end
of Saturday's race
reports can be seen here: SHADES is sitting
clear of the water
past the Rebel called Impact. Lucky us -
having not bothered to
put the cover on the night before, we would have
been faced with a lot
of bailing, but this way, we left the bailers open
and were ready to go
on Sunday morning!
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Regatta report Saturday on shore - 1 Saturday on shore - 2 Saturday afloat Sunday on shore - 2 Sunday afloat - 1 Sunday afloat - 2 back to CLYC nostalgia index |