The Keys to French, Level 1:
basic ingredients
700 of the most essential French words!

As you can see on the left, our Keys to French handily fits into a loose-leaf binder - yet the accordeon-type fold-out readily expands to become four pages wide!

Note how the word lists are in columns to permit self-testing right on the page!

On the left, you see 8 of our 15 categories of nouns. The remaining 3 pages contain more nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, useful expressions, etc.

grammar concepts

On the left, you will note that we have reduced the complexities of grammar to three basic concepts which need to be understood by the student wishing to develop competence in French.

Every effort has been made to simplify the explanations and to provide enlightening examples so that even the beginner can learn without outside assistance.


Keys to French, Level One  covers the following:

  • basic verb concepts (variable and invariable forms)
  • le présent (regular verbs plus 10 essential irregular verbs)
  • l’impératif (commands, suggestions)
  • le futur proche (what is going to happen)
  • le passé composé (what has happened)
LUMAS links
Keys to French 1 system overview
Keys to French 1 fold-out
Keys to French 2 fold-out
Keys to French study sheets
how Keys to French can help you
where and how to order
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