the LUMAS authors...
Monique MacKinnon was born and educated in France. She moved to Canada in 1974 as a post-doctorate fellow at CCIW (Canadian Centre for Inland Waters),  in Burlington, Ontario. With her family, she lived in Lahr, Germany from 1981 to 1984 where she was a pharmacist with the Canadian Armed Forces. Monique graduated as a teacher at U of T in 1986, and has been involved with French as a Second Language ever since. Convinced that every Canadian could be bilingual, she is consistently searching for ways to make learning French as easy as possible.
Monique co-authored Keys to French fold-outs & study sheets in 2000. In 2010, she published the booklet 2000 French Words You Already Know! (    She has now combined and extended these Keys to French resources into a Keys to French course which offers shortcuts to learning French quickly and efficiently.

Al Schönborn (Uncle Al to his fellow-sailors) retired in 1998 after teaching French, German, Latin and Mathématique for 33 years, mostly in Oakville, Ontario. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto where he took Modern Languages and Literature.

Al has recently added computers to his other two loves: sailing & photography. When you phone LUMAS at 905-844-2150, you reach the sumptuous LUMAS head office in Uncle Al's basement at 19 Highland Road in Oakville, ON.


LUMAS links
Keys to French 1 system overview
Keys to French 1 fold-out
Keys to French 2 fold-out
Keys to French study sheets
how Keys to French can help you
where and how to order
about the authors
to contact the authors