Saturday: Race 2
photos by Uncle Al
Seconds to go to the Sunfish start.
The "gun" goes! A recent shift has, you will notice, has made the line virtually uncrossable on starboard.
Pretty tricky heaving to in a good spot yet staying out of the starters' way. This photo of Al's mainsheet and the Rebel start was taken about two seconds after the beep. Note how the oscillating wind has veered such that the Rebels can almost cross at right angles on starboard!!
They're off!!
The Rebel winner, 4004, is off to a nice safe leeward over perennial favourite, Dave Nickels (4176)
while poor old 4160 is totally living on left-overs!
By the time the next bunch of Rebels sail past Al, the wind has already backed about 40 degrees!
In Wayfarers, Uncle Al got a start one usually only dreams about as the other four boats stayed near the RC boat and let Al cross the line at right angles on port all alone at the pin end. After footing off to try to put some of his lead into forward distance rather than windward distance, Al decided to stay well away from the shift/dead spot lottery that surrounds #6 which is so near the windward shore. But all that thinking almost went for nought as a nice gust and shift brought Bob Emans into the lead right along the windward shore. It took a late shift to give the lead back to Al  - a crucial development since the leg to #5 was to be close-hauled all the way on port tack, followed by a virtual one-tack starboard beat to #1. Apart from running aground off Eagle Point, Al had little trouble with the pursuers, all four of whom were close together and busy fighting each other!

An uneventful (no major dead spots or shifts!) beat over to #2 and it was time for the run back to #5 and...
... Uncle Al's camera. Partially obscured by a pontoon boat, Hubert Dauch (light blue/white spi) is holding 2nd
just ahead of Joe DeBrincat (grey/blue/red spi) - judging by apparent mast height.
A sharp eye will notice that Uncle Al is doing his usual things: sailing a lower, straighter rhumbline course down the run
and sailing down in a puff that is visible on the water.
After a gybe around #5, Al and John settled down to chase Ben Hassell and
a couple of other Rebels as a puff had carried them into a significant lead.
Al again went low and near #4 was able to cut inside a number of Rebels and Sunfish for buoy room and an easy reach to #3. The photo above was taken not too long after Al tacked to starboard on the final beat to put half his lead to windward and half of it ahead.
A fairly early return tack to port found Al converging with a starboard Interlake who had sailed well low of #4 on his approach...
... and another on the port gybe.
Nearing the finish, Al still has not passed the venerable Ben Hassell (4180) but the other four Wayfarers are languishing in the repeated wind shadows cast by the south shore. Joe DeBrincat (left) is a clear second...
... but among the other three: Hubert Dauch (3636), Mike Anspach (4271) and Bob Emans - it's still anybody's race.
Does Bob's red/white/blue spi look awfully small to anyone else or is it just that he's next to a much larger Interlake chute?
Only 50 yards to go to the finish. Uncle Al is too busy immortalizing Ben and crew to call starboard.
If I'd had time to attach the flash, you could have seen that they were all smiling for the camera.
But enough of this fooling around. Al and Ben both tacked shortly thereafter and Al shaved Ben's transom on his way towards the favoured RC boat end. While Ben sailed at an almost imperceptible angle to the finish line, Al came in on the starboard layline and tacked right at the RC boat end to get the beep in front of Ben. Of course, in the photo below, you can see they weren't taking things that seriously.
A couple of last chances to get some close-ups of a happy crew...
... on the way in to a Lasagne dinner at the club. Not to mention some more free beer and a well-earned shower!
2001 Clark Lake Fall Regatta
Saturday morning
Race 1
Race 2 - 1
Race 2 - 2
Saturday night/Sunday morning
Race 3
Sunday post-race

Clark Lake nostalgia index