The 2004 Canadian Wayfarer Nationals

photos by Sid Atkinson, Joanne and Uncle Al

The Ron Gillespie Award - Best Parent/Child Team: Nick Seraphinoff and Joe Blackmore
(that trophy has now re-surfaced, Nick - remind me to deliver it to you)


Mike Codd (r) awards the 10th-place flags to David Weatherston whose helm, John Cawthorne had left.

8th was a tie between two boats: (l to r) Mike Codd, Dolores and John de Boer, and Kirk Iredale

Dwight Aplevich (l) and Al Nichols took series 7th.

6th overall were Doug Netherton (l) and Roger Redwin - being seeded 14th,
they were easily our Most Improved. Congratulations, gentlemen!!!


Series 5th went to Roger Shepherd and Joanne who also won ...

... The Sweet Award as the Best Male/Female Team.

4th overall and winners of the Rookie Trophy were Paul and Alan Laderoute.

Tied as runners-up were (l to r) Mark and Paul Taylor, Tom Wharton and Heider Funck

Mike Codd (black shirt), flanked by PRO, Jake Starr (long pants), explains how Mike and Kirk just sailed right past Al Schonborn (l) and Marc Bennett once the wind came up enough in the final race. Having made Marc and Al suffer through that painful memory, Mike ...

... presents The Smallcraft of Southampton Trophy to ...

... the 2004 Canadian Nationals champs, Al and Marc.

A close-up of North America's oldest Wayfarer trophy.


2004 Canadian Wayfarer Nationals
race synopses
Sunday: race 5.1
Sunday: race 5.2
Sunday: race 6.1
Sunday: race 6.2
Sunday: race 6.3
Sunday: race 7

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