2004 Wayfarer Ontarios
shore candids & awards photos by Uncle Al et al.

While Roger Shepherd assists by holding the mast, Mike Codd demonstrates how Rule 34.8 (e) Wet Buoyancy Tests: The boat shall be floated on its beam ends with the masthead touching the water. A load of at least 113.4 (250 lbs) shall be applied vertically to the hull (the weight of two persons can conveniently provide this load).  can be done with one person supplying the load - when that one person is Mike.

Wayfarer Man, Frank Goulay, hobbles in with his hockey injury as a pitiless Marc Bennett looks on.

Uncle Al renews acquaintances with Kim Bergevin whom he last saw as our action photographer at the 2004 Midwinters.

The bar - a.k.a. Invasion - is open after Saturday's racing: (clockwise from left) Dave Hansman (modelling the new W shirt he created), Marc Bennett, Roger Shepherd, Joanne, Peter and Alex Rahn, John Johnston(?)

Marc helps Joanne model the latest in Wayfarer wear.

Roger and Joanne: Team Invasion

Peter and Alex (r) Rahn

Sunday morning: Uncle Al (l) and Marc are going to use the new sails today.

Brian Mills (l) and his crew, Ryan Leighton (r) help Uncle Al model the Hooter's shorts,
presented to him three days earlier

... by the lovely Ce Ce Smith (above - a jealous Woody Woodward (r) can't bear to look!) on the occasion of his 63rd birthday along with a lovely birthday cake at the Rebel Nationals in ...

... in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where Al crewed for Dan Hockenberry and had a great time.

(l to r) Brian, Ryan and Marc await the awards.

Frank Goulay with Kim and her children, Kameron and Gabrielle

Kim and Gabrielle

Kim with W-Man

It's been a ...

... long, hard day, but ...

... Kameron still has a bit of energy left.

You gotta love where ...

... the owl seems to focus his attention!!

A satisfied Dave Hansman and his dad, Charles (l), pack up the beautifully re-born Banshee
after a most successful maiden regatta.

Dave works hard under ...

... the critical eye of his dad who multi-tasks by modelling the matching W cap.

Supervising the job are Dave's mom, Shirley (l) and his sister, Elisabeth.

le petit Frank with la even more petite Lilly Codd

And then, George Blanchard (r) starts the awards: Andrew Gumley (l) was seeded 9th but placed 6th. Thus he and crews, Mike Frame (Sat.) and Teri Theoret (Sun.) were the 2004 Ontarios' Most Improved.

Ottawa's Bill Fyfe (r) and Brian Egan (l) get their blue pennants for series 3rd from George Blanchard, as ...

... the fans - including Françoise Brossard (l) - applaud.

Uncle Al gives a rear view of the Hooter's shorts (with the horribly embarrassing slogan which Al could delete from this picture but alas not from the actual shorts), as he and Marc ...

... accept their red second-place pennants from George.

Winners of the Bronze Sail Trophy and of the 2004 Ontarios, complete with gold first-place pennants
(well, yellow, actually) are Peter Rahn and his ace crew and son, Alex.
2004 Wayfarer Ontarios
shore pics & awards
Race 1
Race 2 - 1
Race 2 - 2
Race 3 - 1
Race 3 - 2
Race 4
Race 5
Race 6
Race 7  - 1
Race 7  - 2
Race 7  - 3

Ontarios 1999-2003