the 2005 Wayfarer Ontarios
Sunday ashore - 1
photos by Marc Bennett, Carol and Dave Hansman, Uncle Al

A perky Uncle Al after a good night's sleep in the tent at LDSC.

Things looked promising for Sunday's races.

But first, there was work to be done ...

... by Frank Goulay on his beloved KGB.

It'll have to do for today, says Frank.

PRO, Mike Trant, makes the day's pre-race announcements ...

... to an attentive ...

... audience.

Post-race: Marilyn Pinault with Kim Bergevin (r), future crew aboard W648 KGB

Dwight Aplevich (l) and crew du jour, George Matrahazy, get Eclairelle ready for the road.

Marc Bennett (l) takes a moment to chat with Doug Netherton as the SHADES de-rig slowly progresses.

Dave Black with his mother, Anne, and Rusty Scuppers.

Eek! A reminder to Uncle Al not to go topless, no matter how hot it gets. On a more pleasant note, this reminds me to once more thank Bill Fyfe (l) who so kindly helped get SHADES sail-ready with emergency repairs on Saturday.

Kim Bergevin feeds a hungry Mike Codd at the traditional BBQ lunch under the ...

... watchful eyes of Wayfarer Man, Frank Goulay.

And a delicious ...

... lunch it was, too!!!

Carol Hansman (l) and Françoise Brossard most certainly enjoyed it.
Ontarios 2005
Saturday morning ashore
Saturday afternoon ashore
Saturday dinner at the Lindenhof
Saturday: race 1
Saturday: race 3
Saturday: race 4, 5
Sunday ashore - 1
Sunday ashore - 2
Sunday pre-race
Sunday: race 6.1
Sunday: race 6.2
Sunday: race 6.3
Sunday: race 7.1
Sunday: race 7.2
Sunday: race 7.3
return to index